OuSFiPo - Ouvroir de Science Fiction Potentielle


The OuSFiPo will be focusing on a number of projects

  1. Identifying authors who introduced formal constraints or experimental procedures in their works
  2. Highlighting the links between OuLipo and the field of imaginary writings incl. sci-fi
  3. Expanding the universe of OuSFiPo by creating works based on existing / traditional constraints
  4. Inventing constraints or processes which will expand the universe of imaginary writings incl. sci-fi 


Opening chapters

OuSFiPo, Chapter 1

The first OuSFiPo project is known as L'affaire BP, un plagiat par Anticipation which, as the title suggests, will tell a story of time travel.

OuSFiPo, Chapter 2

A second OuSFiPo project is under preparation. It will be collective.
More information soon.

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